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November 2012
Greetings from Pécs for the Team of Estudios Medicina
This is a picture of many of us on the day of the opening ceremony. Things here are just fantastic, the group of people we...
September 2012
August 2012
Extraordinary Exam – Admission – Faculties of Medicine – 22nd of August
Soon the registration period for the last entrance exam at the faculties of Medicine/Dentistry/Veterinary Medicine/Midwifery will expire. The exam for the Hungarian universities at Budapest (Semmelweis), Pécs and Szeged will take place on the 22nd ...
July 2012
Entrance Exams at the Faculties We Represent in Hungary
Estas pruebas tuvieron lugar en la embajada de Hungría en Madrid en el pasado mes de junio del 2012. Han participado numerosos alumnos procedentes de muchos países como Irlanda y España, Alemania, Japón, Finlandia, Sudáfrica, ...
May 2012
“I´m Not Giving Up Just Because of a Grade”
Vocation leads hundreds of Basque young people to study in other communities or in universities abroad (article in Spanish).