Dear Lydia:
We and also on behalf of our son A.J. would like to thank you for your effort to make possible for Spanish students to study at university in Hungary. That is why we want to thank you especially for the processes you put in motion so that our son could take the exam for Pécs. While the current Spanish method to access universities with a limited number of places does not change, there will be Spanish students in situations that are somewhat unfair but irreversible, who need solutions like the one you provided.
The current situation is that our son is studying the degree of his choice. The Faculty of Pécs has a high academic level, the atmosphere at that University encourages team spirit and study. And all of this in English!!!
Definitely, from a situation that felt very negative and almost irreversible, we have changed to a scenario almost enviable for the majority of Spanish students.
Lastly, we would like to thank you and congratulate you for your work.
M.J. and M° R. Salamanca
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