Hi, Lydia:
It’s Tica, the mother of Mario R. The first three months at Budapest have come and gone and I sincerely think that Mario is very happy. I believe he’s integrated perfectly into life at the College, in the studies in English, which I am very worried about, as his level was very basic. But he has told us that he already understands everything and is becoming more fluent, so I trust that by the end of the year he will have achieved his objectives, that he will be able to study Medicine and thus fulfil his dream. I don’t really want to plan anything from there onwards, I don’t mind whether he carries on studying at Budapest or in any other place, the only thing I want is to see him happy.
The other day, during a Skype conversation, he told us that this might be the best year if his life. The truth is that the boys living at the Topaz have become good friends, they get along just fine and also with other Spanish students. He has also told me that they have their international friends. I believe this multiculturality will help them to grow as persons, to become more tolerant and to have a different, much wider perspective of life, which I believe is essential for a doctor.
Honestly, Lydia, I am really thankful, and I hope you will keep up your work of information dissemination, so that other kids can make their dreams come true. I sincerely wish you Merry Christmas and a prosperous new year for you and your family.
Castellón, 18.12.09
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