Hi, Lydia:
I am Mario’s mother. My son tells me that he is waiting for the results of the exams in order to send you all of his impressions, but I would like to tell you now that he said a few days ago that this year has been fantastic, that the kids were saying they would love to do it all over again, thanks to everything they have experienced. They have learned to fend for themselves, they have made friends from different cultures, in a word, they have enriched and grown up.
You know already that Mario had problems with English at first (he had a very low level), but I am very happy and proud of his evolution, and he has proved how excited he is to study Medicine.
He was very happy after the exams, but we are waiting for the results, and I only want him and his good friend Nacho (from Malaga) to be together, as they have become good friends and are very responsible young lads.
Big hugs and thank you for everything. Tica. Castellón. May 2010
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