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October 2016
Semmelweis University Graduation Ceremony 2016
dh2017-05-09T18:05:14+01:005 October, 2016|
Here you can find a photo gallery of the Semmelweis University Graduation Ceremony. All in all, 477 students of the medicine degree program (international and Hungarian) passed their studies and got awarded with the academic ...
October 2014
July 2014
Entrance examinations for Midwifery, Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine studies at our Hungarian universities (25-27 April in Madrid)
dh2017-05-05T12:16:15+01:007 July, 2014|
December 2013
Entrance Exams in Madrid – March 2012
dh2019-02-11T09:46:09+01:004 December, 2013|
First entrance exam for the faculties of Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine at Semmelweis and Pécs. Hungarian embassy in Madrid. March 2012.
September 2013
October 2016
Semmelweis University Graduation Ceremony 2016
dh2017-05-09T18:05:14+01:005 October, 2016|
Here you can find a photo gallery of the Semmelweis University Graduation Ceremony. All in all, 477 students of the medicine degree program (international and Hungarian) passed their studies and got awarded with the academic ...
October 2014
July 2014
Entrance examinations for Midwifery, Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine studies at our Hungarian universities (25-27 April in Madrid)
dh2017-05-05T12:16:15+01:007 July, 2014|
December 2013
Entrance Exams in Madrid – March 2012
dh2019-02-11T09:46:09+01:004 December, 2013|
First entrance exam for the faculties of Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine at Semmelweis and Pécs. Hungarian embassy in Madrid. March 2012.