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Máster Biotecnología Médica en la Universidad de Pécs
The University of Pécs has offered a Master’s degree in Medical Biotechnology:
- Type of programme: postgraduate course
- Duration of training: 4 semesters
- Teaching language: English
- Head of programme: Judit E. Pongracz (PhD, Dr. Habil.)
Programme description:
The use of biotechnology in medicine is becoming increasingly popular due to the continuous expansion of clinical needs. The development of sophisticated diagnosis methods, the design of efficient medicines and personalised therapies make necessary the use of biotechnology.
Our programme has two options: molecular cell biotechnology and tissue technology. Both options will give graduates the necessary skills and abilities in order to stand out in basic research, as well as training on the clinical and pharmaceutical applications of biotechnology.
Conferences will be in charge of two renowned local professors, with the collaboration of expert professors from other countries, including Great Britain and the United States. Furthermore, the programme’s objective is also to offer general knowledge in economy, administration and trade law. Although the course will mainly cover the usual practices in the EU, there will also be specific topics dedicated to the USA, China and India.