The registration period for the Intensive Pre-Medical course for January 2012 is still open and we now give you the chance to participate in it. If your dream and your vocation are to study Medicine, we offer you the appropriate way to make it real: it will not become a faraway dream, but a reality close to your present.
Medicine is a degree with a bright future. Studying Medicine in English is already a future. For you, it’s a reality.
A great investment.
Comments from some students of the Pre-Medical course in Medicine 2010/2011:
1. Hi, Lydia!
Please excuse the delay, I was in a village without an Internet connection.
The Pre-Medical, fantastic, the experience seemed extremely enriching to me, all staff, from teachers, students, secretaries and caretakers, they are all lovely and kind. The preparation level is very high and the teaching method very efficient.
The final grades were quite good, I was quite moved when I received the booklet with the good grades… I am proud to say that they recognise the effort you put into it. The entrance exams made me… very very nervous. In the written parts I have though at moments, “What are they asking me here???” I have never seen this in my life!!!” hahaha. I guess this is normal (I hope so). The oral exams, ufffff… the first was Semmelweis, and in my opinion, it was a disaster, the professor was very nice and the questions ere very easy. I was really nervous and I came out with the impression that I had not proved what I knew (and I still have that impression), Pécs and Szeged were both more difficult, but I felt surer when answering the questions, I was not feeling nervous anymore.
After that I received the letters and I was admitted to all three of them, after thinking a lost about it I chose Semmelweis and that is where I am going to study. The reasons: the city, the offer they have, the innovation they bring, the prestige… and why lie, my friends. On the 28th of August I will fly to Budapest in order to begin the academic year and finally study what I want.
Thank you very much for offering this programme. I am sorry I have not written before.
Just one last thing I missed, is there any service to keep suitcases, clothes, boxes… in Budapest? It would be infinitely useful.
Love, Lydia, and thanks for helping us ? Carla C.
2. Dear Lydia:
I am Pablo Carmona’s mother, do you remember I called you on the 26th right after learning the news?
I just wanted to share with you that moment of joy, being selected for Pécs was also an amazing high for him. Thank you for being there at all times, for the good and the bad, for your understanding when we as mothers felt powerless, and for everything you have done. Please keep it up, I am sure this is not necessary but you have all my support: you are doing great work.
I imagine that we will keep in touch. Pablo is going to Pécs next year and he will get a brand new start. If you have the lists from Pécs, could you send us something to see if there is someone he might travel with?
Again, thank you. Big hugs,
3. Hi, Lydia:
I have been admitted to all three universities and I have reserved a place at Semmelweis after giving it a lot of thought. Honestly, I found it very difficult.
This course has given me an unparalleled experience, I have gained so much, bot on the personal and the academic levels. I have grown and I have learned to face and overcome on my own almost anything. Living in a completely new place, with a completely new language, and among total strangers has turned out to be something I would recommend to anyone. I have learned new cultures and new world views and I have learned to speak in English, which opens so many doors. And, lastly, I have learned biology and medical vocabulary in English. I have only good memories. Thank you. Best wishes, Ana Segarra, June 2011
4. Hi, Lydia:
I have taken the entrance exams here in Budapest in April. I have been admitted into Semmelweis and I have reserved the place. This year has been admittedly incredible. Although I have not started the degree, I do not regret at all having taken this course. I have the feeling that we have been very well prepared and at the College we have had a lot of fun, we have gone on excursions, we have gone skiing, it has been like another year at school but in an international environment and with people of different ages. Thanks to the amount of Spanish people and other people who were in the same situation as me, in a foreign country, without speaking the language, etc., I have not felt lonely, we spent a lot more time together. If there is anyone who wants to contact students of this Pre-Medical, you can give them my e-mail address, as I would be delighted to tell them about my experience.
Regards, Camila Gispert
If you also want to tell us about the experiences you will have next year, you are still in time. If you wish to start the degree in Medicine at an international university which opens you the doors to entire Europe and beyond, but need adequate preparation, we have the option you need. You commit yourself to make an effort and we commit to prepare you on all levels. The last available places are at your disposal. There is no previous entrance exam for this course.
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