Estudios Medicina is very proud to announce that, once more, we have obtained an awesome admissions rate in our entrance examinations. The Semmelweis University of Budapest (Hungary) has sent us the results of the exams taken in June in Madrid for Midwifery Programme in English: ALL the EM candidates who sat the exam have been admitted into the university to start their studies in the 2014/2015 academic year. Congratulations to all of you!!
The experience of EM and the close relationship that we hold with our Hungarian universities are a safe bet when asking for the admission into the English medical studies. And, as the results clearly show, you will have very high admission chances.
If you want to start your studies in Hungary in September, you are still on time to register for the last entrance examinations planned in July and August. Contact us now and we will give you all the details.
Phone: +34 669 072 915
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