2015, the Semmelweis Department of Transplantation and Surgery carried out 263 successful transplantations of organs. The Semmelweis University carried out the highest number of nephric transplantations of not living donors and was ranked #3 in liver transplantations among Eurotransplant’s transplantation centers, which are located in eight different member countries.
11 out of 167 renal transplants were performed on children. All in all there are 77 renal transplantation centers in Europe out of which the Semmelweis Department of Transplantation and Surgery was the most efficient one with 147 not living donor procedures. In regard to renal transplantations, the department offers service for Northern and Western Hungary.
Regarding liver transplantations, the department offers a nation-wide service. All in all 89 life-saving surgeries were carried out – six of them on children. All in all there are 49 liver transplant centers and the number of surgeries at the Semmelweis Department of Transplantation and Surgery was the third highest. Hereby, the university eve surpassed several European centers of excellence.
“German-style work organization, excellent group work and the exceptional commitment of the colleagues result in success. It is a real teamwork as each and every transplantation requires the synchronized cooperation of 30 specialists.”, says Dr. Zoltán Máthé , director of the Department of Transplantation and Surgery.
Hungary has been a member of Eurotransplant since 2013 and is thus offering Hungarian patients to receive organs from abroad. This is very important for children and emergency cases.
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