Studying medicine in Europe can be a nice option and there are many reasons for doing so.
1. If students want to study medicine, they have to face a problem, because the grade point average is getting higher and higher every year. In case you want to study medicine after your high school degree, the best choice is to study medicine in Europe. There are a lot of faculties prepared to open their doors for you. These faculties have special programs for foreign students. During the entrance exams, you will be able to show your motivation for studying medicine.
2. All our faculties in Hungary are internationally renowned. A famous professor and researcher, of one of these universities, has been awarded the Nobel Prize. Our faculties offer a holistic education to our students. We experience, that many students, who return to Spain after starting their studies abroad, are one step ahead of the students, who studied in their home country.
3. At the Hungarian medical faculties, the main focus lies on the practical training, so that the students can internalize the theoretically learned knowledge. Here, the practical training begins from the start of studies and lasts until the end. Getting to know the everyday life of a doctor from the beginning on is a big advantage, because you can directly put the learned course contents into practice and this will also help you in your future career.
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